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Nov 28, 2022 | Uncategorized

Digital Business Cards – strategic networking!



Can you share your business card? Yes sure, lets tap and connect using my Digital Business Card!


As business folk the first thing we tend to do at the start of meeting a new client is to dish out the good old paper business card. The hope is that it is safely stored away, and you are contacted sooner than later to do business! A digital business card is possibly the game changer we have been waiting for.  

And yes for years we exchanged our business contacts in this manner, hoping that this time, the person will in fact call to connect, and eventually become a client. Sadly though, printed business cards often end up in the bin. In fact, about 88% are thrown out within a week by one count.

What’s more, 63 percent of those who throw business cards away do so because they don’t have an immediate need for the service. Yikes, and when they do there is always google to check out service providers that are available. So much for all that costs outlay and hours spent networking.

So, how do we ensure our details aren’t buried in the trash, alongside crumpled paper & banana peels?

Digital business cards, like email signatures, are becoming the preferred way to “save to contacts” without the hassle of entering contact details. No more printing costs. No more carrying a box of cards around. Fit all your important business information onto one digital impression that’s ready to share, anywhere, anytime.

By enabling the near frequency connection (NFC) settings on your mobile device, once your card has been set up, you will be good to go. The NFC functionality has been around for more that 10 years and is the same technology that allows us to tap and pay with our bank cards. Something we are using more often since the COVID pandemic.

Still not convince? Here are some additional features.

Cost effective

Your digital business card is guaranteed for life, is editable as and when you need. Changing details, moving location, or even changing staff no longer will require printing of new and throwing away old business cards. Click, update and you are back in business.

Environmentally friendly 

Let’s do our part to save the tress, its time to ditch those paper business cards.

No Apps required

Very much to what we are now accustomed to, tap and pay. You simply tap your customized digital business card to your prospective client’s device and share your contact details.

Share with just one tap

All your company contact details including addresses and directions

Your social media profiles

Website links

A QR code linked to your details

You can choose to customize your card, adding as much or as little information as you want. And if you big on selfies, heck you can change your profile pic as and when the mood strikes.

What’s more, your digital business card can be further customized with your company branding and logos

Strategic networking

No more collecting cards or dishing out business cards. Your contacts are saved onto their devices immediately and the same goes for your prospective clients’ details. Keyword on your “about us” business card profile, allows client to find you on their phones. This comes in handy when clients are ready to use your services.

You get the added advantage of an analytics dashboard to monitor how many times your card was tapped.

Built for functionality, but its design leaves a lasting impression

It’s electronic and tech-savvy digital business cards. It will make you stand out from the crowd and does not fail to impress.

In fact, it can lead to “WOW let’s do business”!!

The digital business card offers various functionality, and the ability to share your contacts using various platforms, like email, sms, missed call, WhatApp & personalized QR code is super quick and convenient.

I love that someone can immediately hop onto my website or social media pages by a tap of my digital business card.

Although South Africa is late to the party with the digital business card usage, businesses are quickly realising the benefits. As consumers become more comfortable with using their phones, and generating and using digital business cards, this should translate into healthy growth for your business in the coming year.

Be part of this tech innovation. In fact, our cards are proudly South African.

Our Hey Howzit Digital Business Card is now available to purchase through our online store.

Check it out @

Syfinity Solutions – we do tech differently.


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