Work Anywhere. Work Anytime. No Limits.

Work from anywhere, across all your devices

Our Cloud PBX offering promises to minimise management and operational headaches, while improving client relationships and ensuring seamless communications across all your devices. Ideally suited to businesses that want a single source of communication, combined with collaboration and mobility, our platform integrates fully with Yealink phones.

With our suite of Unified Communications mobility apps, you take your extension and collaboration suite with you.  Whether you are working from home, a coffee shop, restaurant or airport being away from the office should not hinder your ability to communicate with your teams, clients and suppliers.

Whether you’re already running voice services over VoIP, legacy or existing phone systems, or other cloud PBXs, we can seamlessly migrate you to our Cloud PBX with zero downtime. Handsets are delivered pre-configured and simply need to be plugged into a LAN connection, and the rest of the setup is easy.

Looking for a simple PBX or call centre? We can customise a solution to meet your business needs. Features are available on-demand and are entirely scalable (from one to thousands of users), making the solution suitable for everyone from SMEs to large enterprises.

Improve Your Business

PBX Like Never Before

What are you waiting for?

Give one of our sales experts a call and switch to Syfinity Cloud PBX today!

Cloud PBX help?

Recording Capabilities

Recording Capabilities

Quick and easy access to view and download CDR’s (Call Data Records)

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Handset Auto Provisioning

Handset Auto Provisioning

This is the action of configuring a phone automatically, by providing only basic information’s. New phones brand and model can be added using the Admin/Provisioning menu

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Multi-tenant PBX

Multi-tenant PBX

The Syfinity Cloud PBX is completely multi-tenant, so each tenant configuration is completely independent from the others.

Through a browser-based interface and because of its Multi-Tenant design easy administration of multiple tenants is made possible.

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Digital receptionist (IVR)

Digital receptionist (IVR)

Multi level IVR menu management

Manage multiple IVR menus for different Inbound DIDs

  • Day and Night Mode Schedule: Create different greetings according to time of day and day of week
  • Custom Greetings: Upload third-party professional greetings to use as Digital Receptionist greetings

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Calling features

Calling features

  • Caller ID/On Call Waiting: Know who’s calling before you answer
  • Call Forwarding: Redirect calls to your mobile or other phone so you don’t miss any calls
  • Follow Me: Have one of your numbers/extensions ring for a period of time and if unanswered forward to a second number and then third and so forth OR all ring the mall concurrently
  • Caller ID Based Forwarding: Follow Me Based on number called
  • Inbound Number Tagging: Tag an inbound caller ID for easy reception management for multiple companies
  • Call Hold: Easily put a call on hold while you answer another call
  • Call Transfer: Attended Transfer (alert forwarding party before transfer) & Blind Transfer (transfer the call directly)
  • Call Conferencing: Join a conference room by dialing a feature code or get transferred in
  • Call Waiting: Be notified when someone else is trying to call if you are already on a call
  • Do Not Disturb: Callers go directly to voicemail or call fwd when you don’t want to be disturbed
  • Call Logs: Access detailed call records by extension or account

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We like you.

So let’s stay in touch.

TELEPHONE: 087 109 1000

HOURS: MON-FRI 08:00 AM to 5:00 PM


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